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ChessUSA Store Hours and COVID Update!


As we continue through this ongoing pandemic, the community efforts locally have paid off and our store is within a Phase Four Reopening with a few adjustments.

1. Our warehouse is open and We are still shipping! It may take a little longer than usual, but the warehouse is still in operation and most, if not all, orders will continue to leave within 2 business days.

2. Our brick-and-mortar retail store in Massapequa, NY is open! We have reduced hours from 10AM – 5PM Monday through Friday Only.

3. If you visit our store, you must wear a mask. We’re trying our best to keep the store safe so we’ll try and work with you individually to show you items, etc, as we’re trying to limit how often the various chess sets and chess pieces are handled.

To best contact us for any reason, feel free to email us: [email protected]

The above is not only to ensure you get your products out quickly, efficiently, and safely – but to also protect our staff. 

Thank you for supporting small business and your understanding in these challenging times.


The Folks at Your Move Chess & Games / ChessUSA.

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