What's New at ChessUSA?
Save 20% when you check out our new look with code NEWCHESS
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A New Look!
We're rolling out some updates to make the whole chess buying experience easier than ever with an improved look-and-feel sitewide and a more smooth and simple checkout process with more payment options.
See the new look
Tournament Chess Guides
From joining a chess club to preparing for your first tournament, there is a lot to know. Our new guide on tournament chess sets will help you find the perfect chess equipment.
Tournament Chess Set Guide
New Chess Set Guides
Picking a fabulous heirloom chess set for your home can be difficult with so much choice. Each month we're rolling out new reviews on different chess sets. This month we review of a classic heirloom chess set.
New Heirloom Chess Guides
Take 20% off your order this April
Change isn't easy!
Let us know what you think.
After 25 years, we are doing our best to make the site easier to navigate - but we do not work in a bubble. Take a look at our website and let us know what you think. These changes will be made gradually over the next several months, and if there is something you absolutely love or hate - please let us know!
See the New Look
We wanted to offer a special incentive to take a peek at our new look. Don't forget to enter code NEWCHESS during checkout for 20% off any order!
A difficult choice!
With thousands of chess sets out there, it's increasingly difficult to find the right affordable chess set for a graduation or birthday gift. How do you find something that is not 'cheap' or 'junk', yet also not hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars? We have a curated collection of chess sets that offer great options in all price ranges so you know you'll get the right gift.
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Share your favorite Chess story
Grow the Community
Have a chess club or chess program? Want to let the world know about your favorite game or recent experience? The chess community has grown so much over the past several years and we want to let the world know how much. We're happy to post details for your local chess clubs, chess programs, or upcoming tournament information to our socials or a future newsletter; but we aim to do more. ChessUSA is happy to give shout-outs to local and regional chess tournaments and results, so if you have any 'chess story' big or small, send it our way and we can spread the word!
Email Us: [email protected]
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