Chess King: Guide To Opening Ideas: 1. e4 non e5

Product Code: 9K-016
Chess King: Guide To Opening Ideas: 1. e4 non e5

Chess King: Guide To Opening Ideas: 1. e4 non e5

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Product Code: 9K-016

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Table of contents Volume 2: Semi-Open Games 1. e4 non-e5
Introduction & Conclusion A. Kosteniuk
1- Introduction
2- Alekhine Four Pawns
3- Alekhine Classical
4- Scandinavian
5- Pirc Austrian Attack
6- Pirc Classical
7- French Advance
8- French Exchange
9- French Tarrasch
10- French Classical
11- French Winawer
12- Caro-Kann Advance
13- Caro-Kann Exchange
14- Caro-Kann Main Line
15- Sicilian Alapin
16- Sicilian Closed
17- Sicilian Smith-Morra
18- Sicilian Modern Paulsen
19- Sicilian Four Nights
20- Sicilian Richter-Rauzer
21- Sicilian Najdorf
22- Sicilian Scheveningen 6. Be3
23- Sicilian Scheveningen 6. g4
24- Sicilian Shveshnikov
25- Sicilian Dragon
26- Sicilian Accelerated Dragon
27- Further Opening Analysis

Over 8 hours of instruction in this amazing video chess openings encyclopedia.
*All Information Taken From Chess-King Website*
*Technical Support on chess software is very limited. Please contact Chess-King directly with any installation or technical help.*

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